Queer AF/Cute AF Bandanas!
Queer AF/Cute AF Bandanas!
100% Cotton Bandanas great for any occasion or mood!
Missed Pride by a day, but that's a-okay cuz this babe is #queerallyear? Feeling real cute today? Want to be knitting and eating morels but you're a season too late and you need a little something to help you embody that feeling all year?
Don't care about any of those things, but want to support an independent artist during the giant dumpster fire that is the current state of the world?
All excellent reasons to purchase your very own Queer AF bandana!
Queerness not required for purchase... but highly encouraged:) Try it on for size, boo!
Bandana designed by the one, the only Creekbed Carter Hogan! www.creekbedcarter.com
Printed by an independent print shop in Minneapolis, MN. Mailed out with love by yours truly.
Surprise guest model appearances by Julie Young and Jenny the Dog!